Write Some Motivation Quotes With Your Own Words​


compare this quotes
(look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better)

..with the quote
(10 great quotes on nature) ​


bandingkan kutipan ini

(lihat jauh ke alam & kemudian Anda akan memahami segalanya dgn lebih baik)

..dengan kutipan

(10 kutipan manis ihwal alam)


maaf Kalo Salah:'(

Different between captions with quotes

caption itu umumnya tak mirip quotes / kata kata mutiara karena captions biasa digunakan untuk menerangkan sebuah gambar mirip deskripsi namun dapat berbentukistilah istilah

Different between captions with quotes?

Caption is a short explanation or description based on illustrations or photographs.
And Quote is a sentence that is considered interesting that contains ideas, opinions or ideas.

make quotes about you teacher​


“We are nothing without you, our teacher”

“Dream is just a sleeping flower without an inflatable spell”

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