What To Do After High School Graduation

What to do After High School Graduation

Going to college or getting a job right after graduating high school is the common choices of teens will likely face. Some likely choose to continue studying at college or university but the others try to find job. Here are the reasons.

Why is it so important for student to continue on to post-secondary education; university or college? The reason is that post-secondary education will allow them to get the skills and tools that they will need to help them prepare for a good career. It has been said that the more education they have the more careers will be open for them to choose from. Employers today will tend to be more open to a person with the more education.

However some of them choose to get job right after high school. They believe that education is critical but college is not. In fact, there are numerous careers, such as in healthcare, technology, operations, transportation, and the building trades, that do not require a four-year degree from college or university. Furthermore, as they advance in these careers, there is also nothing stopping them from pursing a college degree at a later age.So, what are you doing after graduating high school? Think carefully! The wrong decision may influence your future. But who knows the future? Believe to God and do the best!

Questions: 1. What is the text talking about? 2. What is the choices that can be chosen after graduating? Mention! 3. What makes important in continuing study in the college? 4. What is the statement said by the cons side? 5. What does the employer today look like?​



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Apa yg Harus Dilakukan Setelah Lulus Sekolah Menengan Atas?

Pergi ke sekolah tinggi tinggi atau mendapatkan pekerjaan sesudah lulus sekolah menengah ialah pilihan lazim yg kemungkinan akan dihadapi sampaumur. Beberapa mungkin memilih untuk melanjutkan mencar ilmu di perguruan tinggi atau universitas tetapi yg lain mencoba mencari pekerjaan. Inilah alasannya adalah.

Mengapa sangat penting bagi siswa untuk melanjutkan ke pendidikan pasca sekolah menengah; universitas atau perguruan tinggi tinggi? Alasannya adalah bahwa pendidikan pasca sekolah menengah akan memungkinkan mereka untuk mendapatkan keterampilan & alat yg mereka perlukan untuk membantu mereka menyiapkan karir yg baik. Dikatakan bahwa kian tinggi pendidikan yg mereka miliki, semakin banyak karir yg terbuka bagi mereka untuk dipilih. Pengusaha saat ini akan cenderung lebih terbuka pada orang yg berpendidikan lebih tinggi.

Namun beberapa dr mereka memilih untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan sehabis sekolah menengah. Mereka percaya bahwa pendidikan sungguh penting tetapi perguruan tinggi tinggi tidak. Sebenarnya, ada banyak karir, seperti dlm perawatan kesehatan, teknologi, operasi, transportasi, & jual beli bangunan, yg tak memerlukan gelar empat tahun dr perguruan tinggi atau universitas. Selain itu, seiring dgn perkembangan karir mereka, tak ada yg menghentikan mereka untuk mengejar gelar sarjana di usia yg lebih bau tanah. Makara, apa yg Anda lakukan sesudah lulus Sekolah Menengan Atas? Pikirkan baik-baik! Keputusan yg salah mampu mempengaruhi masa depan Anda. Tapi siapa yg tahu masa depan? Percaya pada Tuhan & kerjakan yg terbaik!


hanya bisa jawab serpihan itu jangan kecewa ya:<

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