International Class

  1. What does rencana function mean?
  2. What does planning function cover?
  3. Who arranges organizing?
  4. Please mention kinds of workforce that can be recruited to fill in vacant positions within a company!
  5. Please explain what employee transfer means!
  6. When the times comes, an employee will get his/her retirement rights. What are the purposes of retiring an employee?
  7. One of the actuating activities is giving order/command. Please explain what order/command means and what are the purposes?
  8. Please mention constraints/obstacles in communication! Then, please explain how to deal with those constraints!
  9. Please mention steps to explain controlling!
  10. Types or styles of leadership are patterns which are designed to integrate organization’s and perorangan’s purpose to achieve mutual purposes.
Please explain these following leadership styles:
a.       autocratic
b.      militaristic
c.       paternalistic
d.      charismatic
e.       democratic




  1. What does management mean? Please also explain what manager means!
  2. Please explain four steps or planning! Why does rencana have to be flexible?
  3. Organization is a mutual effort conducted by two or more individuals to achieve common goals. Please explain the differences between formal and non-formal organizations!
  4. Please explain the differences between line authority and staff authority!
  5. What does actuating mean? Please mention and explain five matters in actuating!
  6. Please explain ways to conduct controlling (the four controlling steps)!
  7. What does formal control mean? Please mention the characteristics of effective controlling!
  8. What does it mean by effective coordination? Please explain why communication is the key to effective coordination!
  9. Why is leadership important for managers and organizations? What does it mean by leadership?
  10. Please explain these leadership styles:
·         paternalistic
·         charismatic
·         autocratic
Baca Juga:  Belajar Ilmu Tajwid Hukumnya