28 Kata-Kata Inspiratif Tentang Pentingnya Passion

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius

“Sukses bukanlah kunci untuk senang. Bahagialah yg merupakan kunci berhasil. Bila Anda mencintai apa yg Anda kerjakan, maka Anda akan sukses.” – Albert Schweitzer

“Dia yg menyukai & mampu bersenang-senang dlm pekerjaannya, bakal selalu lebih unggul dr mereka yg tidak.” – Dedy Dahlan

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

“Passion & hobi tuh warna dlm hidup, tiap orang musti tahu & ngejalanin passionnya. Karena kalau enggak mulai dr kini, mampu-mampu telat. Cari passion. Jangan hingga hidup tanpa passion!” – Iszur Muchtar

“Do what you love and the money will follow.” – Martha Sinetar

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” – Oscar Wilde

“Kebenaran bisa dinyatakan dlm ribuan cara berlawanan, tapi semuanya mampu tetap benar.” – Swami Vivekananda

“Orang yg mengejar dua ekor kelinci, akan kehilangan keduanya.” – Confucius

“Know yourself means, that you get acquinted with what you know, and what you can do.” – Menander

“To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go, and why you want to get there.” – Kofi Annan

“Mereka yg tak menerima kepuasan dlm dirinya sendiri akan mencarinya dgn tak berguna di berbagai daerah yang lain.” – Franchois de la Rochefocauld

“It’s choice, not chance that determined your destiny.” – Jean Nidetch

Baca Juga:  Ayah Membuat Topi Dari Kain Dengan Bentuk Seperti Gambar Luas Kain Yang Diperlukan Untuk Membuat Topi Tersebut Adalah

“The time is always right to do what is right.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Terlalu banyak mikirin problem perut, bikin kita tak sempat berkhayal.” – Dedy Dahlan

“Penuhi keperluan ‘Perut’ & keperluan ‘Hati’. Berdirilah dgn menginjak bumi, tetapi dgn mata menatap bintang.” – Dedy Dahlan

“Jangan buang waktu dgn mengeluh atau bosan. Kalau Anda memang ingin, buktikan dgn tindakan!” – Dedy Dahlan

“If you fail to plan, you’re rencana to fail.” – Anonim

“Learning from mistakes is long and painful. Learning from mentor is faster and easier. But it requires humility and teachibility.” – Rick Warren

“Opini bisa mengakibatkan lebih banyak dilema di atas bumi dibandingkan dengan wabah & gempa.” – Voltaire

“A mentor is someone who allowed you see the hope inside yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” – Edmund Burke

“Tidak banyak teori yg dibutuhkan untuk mulai action.” – Dedy Dahlan

“Menunggu momen tepat untuk mulai buka usaha bagaikan menunggu otot kekar untuk mulai fitness.” – Dedy Dahlan

“It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” – Winston Churchill

“Jangan melaksanakan suatu hal dgn cara tertentu, hanya alasannya siapa pun melakukannya demikian.” – Dedy Dahlan

“Leap, and the net will appear.” – John Burroughs

“If there’s no passion in your life. Have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be.” – T. Alan Armstrong

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