Why is Salah Important in Islam? | Benefit of Salah | What Invalidates Salah

Why is Salah Important in Islam? – Salah or Namaz, is the second foundational pillar of Islam and is a requirement for every day for all Muslims who are above the baligh (mature) years. Salah plays an important role for the Islamic faith. In this guide, we’ll look at the most important aspects in the second cornerstone of Islam and the significance of salah, the times you must perform salah, and the benefits that salah could bring.

Why is Salah Important in Islam – What Does Salah Mean?

Salah is the practice of making prayers in worship to Allah SWT. Literally, salah can mean prayer or supplication. It is usually believed to be the act to worship Allah SWT. This is it is a specific act described throughout the Holy Qur’an with a variety of rules and guidelines pertaining to the act.

Performing Salah

The salah process is a complex process. Muslims are required to wear specific types of clothing that cover their body. They must keep their legs covered, and face Mecca prior to beginning, and be able to recite passages and phrases of the Qur’an at certain times.

Prayers for daily salah generally have a similar pattern, but other prayers and those performed in major events such as Eid ul-Adha are different. It is essential to learn how to pray properly to ensure that you reap the rewards of salah derived and that your action of worship is received with awe from Allah SWT.

Also read: Understanding and Types of Rukhsah (Concession) in Islam

Rules, Guidelines , and Facts about Salah

Salah is a procedure with a certain framework and set of guidelines that must be adhered to.

In the beginning there are five distinct daily prayers that need to be observed; they are according to:

  1. Fajr This is done prior to the dawn
  2. Zohr The Zohr is done in the middle of the day.
  3. Asr – this takes place during the time between Zohr and sunset
  4. Maghrib – This is performed after sunset
  5. Isha takes place during the time between Maghrib and midnight

These are the mandatory prayers but there are many other prayers Muslims can choose to do voluntarily to their own advantage. A lot of these prayers are performed during the month of Ramadan by Muslims in Ramadan, the Holy months of Ramadan because of the numerous blessings and rewards that can be derived from this holy month.

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Prayers are always initiated by the repetition of the adhaan, which refers to a call to prayer. The act of salah is a dialogue between you and your Lord , and is solely for your benefit other than your own.

Every salah prayer is comprised of many rakaat (units) that are divided across the day in this manner:

  1. Fajr – 2 rakaat (units)
  2. Zohr – 4 rakaat (units)
  3. Asr – 4 rakaat (units)
  4. Maghrib – 3 rakaat (units)
  5. Isha – 4 rakaat (units)

A Muslim is able to offer units of voluntary service in the event that he or she wishes through Nafil prayers.

Many prefer to pray at their local Mosque in a congregation, while others prefer to pray at home or in the office.

If one is traveling or away from home Certain allowances are made to facilitate prayers.

Also, any type of prayer within Islam is performed looking towards Mecca in the Holy Ka’aba is located. The exact location of the prayer can be determined with an compasses.

What is the goal or benefit of Salah?

Why is Salah Important in Islam? The purpose of salah is to make sure that Muslims keep their faith and dedication toward Allah SWT, to strengthen the taqwa (closeness with Allah SWT) and to be aware of the significance of faith and submission to their Creator.

A special place is given for the prayer on Friday often referred to by the name of Jumaa Namaz. The prayer is conducted in the congregation of the community Mosque and is conducted by the Imam (leader).

There are other prayers within Islam including a Namaaz e-Mayyit that is performed during the funerals of deceased as well as Namaaz-e-Eid which is a traditional prayer in the mornings of Eid-ulFitr and Eid-ul-Adha. Prior to which all Muslims have the obligation to give to charities by way of fitrana. Some other important prayers include taraaweeh which is an evening prayer that is offered throughout each evening during the Holy months of Ramadan.

Why is Salah Important in Islam? Like all of the Five Pillars of Islam, salah is an extremely important obligation to everyone Muslims and is crucial to ensure that we adhere to the limits of deen and be mindful of our belief.

What is Taslim in Salah?

What is Taslim in Salah? It was reported by the Prophet in the Quran that the Prophet (peace be with him) was known to have Taslim in prayer towards the right and to the left, while saying “As-salamu alaykum warahmatullah (may Allah’s Mercy and Peace be with your)”. 

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It was confirmed by Abdullah ibn Maud (may Allah be pleased with his work) the following “The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to say Taslim (by tilting his head) towards his right and say ‘As-salamu alaykum Warahm as well as to the left, saying “As-salamu alaykum Warahmatullah.'”

 In a different account: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) proclaiming Taslim to his right and left sides until the whiteness of his cheeks was observed.” May Allah grant us success. Peace and blessings come on our Prophet Muhammad as well as his family and companions.

What Invalidates Salah – Zaad al-Ma’aad

What invalidates salah – Things that invalidate the PRAYER (MUBDILATU-SALAAT)

When it is done in accordance with its rules, pillars and conditions as well as the duties and customary acts will truly light up the heart and cleanses the soul. It is the way through which man connects directly with Allah (subhanahu wa Ta’ala) so you should ensure that it is free of any thing that might cause it to be invalid. The prayer is in Arabic Language, What invalidates salah? the acts that invalidate prayers are referred to by the name of ” Mubdillatu-Salaah” and we will now discuss the following below:

  • Talking or speaking in the context of the prayer.
  • It was funny during the prayer.
  • Praying while eating regardless of the fact that what is consumed could be less than a small portion of dates.
  • It is not a good idea to drink while praying even though the amount being consumed is as tiny as a single bite.
  • If one of the participants of prayer realizes that they did not do the ritual of ablution (wudhu) Then, the person who is in doubt has to stop the prayer and go out for Wudhu.
  • If an individual’s absolution (wudhu) becomes invalid in the course of prayer, the prayer will be invalidated.
  • The prayer can also be invalidated by performing it in the Rukuu as well as Sujuud postures in a hurry and with no ease. When prostrating bobbing (jerking) upwards and downwards as if a chicken is pecking food off the ground isn’t permitted.
  • Removing oneself towards the path of Qiblah can also render the prayer invalid.
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Things that are not in the prayer book.

  • Eyes raised. What invalidates salah 

    The Prophet strongly cautioned against this, as observed from the following quote: “What is the matter with those who lift their eyes to the sky when they pray? They should not do this or they’ll lose their sight” (Reported by Imam Bukhari). It is also a sin to gaze to the left or right and the Prophet on this subject states: “It is a fraud using which Satan tricks the servant praying”(Reported by Imam Bukhari). While praying, one must fix his eyes towards the place of prostration.

  • Yawning, “Yawning is from the Shaytaan. If you feel the desire to yawn, make sure that he resists it as long as he can ..>.” (Bukhari)
  • Eyes closed in the direction of the prayer The prayer is completed.
  • Hands should be placed above the kidneys, or on the waist. The hands should be placed on the chest.
  • Cleaning your feet on earth (where you want to kneel) multiple times to clean it of any pebbles.
  • Reading the Qur’an during Rukuu and Sujuud positions.
  • Doing unnecessary movements in the course of prayer like making a gesture to the neck (beard) or fiddling with your fingertips or fixing the clothing e. such as. your head-turban, etc.

  • Invoking prayer after food is provided to the person prior to the prayer, or when he is suffering from the need to pass excrement or urine. The Prophet herein states:  Prayer is not valid if food has been provided and the person is in the process to eliminate himself of his the stench of urine or excrement”(Reported by Imam Muslim).

*Exception for closing the eyes being Makrooh”

The scholars are of the opinion on the fact that makrooh is to shut the eyes without reason during prayer. The author of the al-Rawd book stated that it’s makrooh as it is the way that Jews practice. (al-Rawd al-Murabba’, 1/95).

What invalidates salah – Imaam al-‘Izz ibn Abd al-Salaam stated in his fatwas that it is permitted to open your eyes when it is necessary when it allows the worshipper focus more deeply on prayer. Ibn al-Qayyim stated in Zaad Al-Ma’ad that when the person is able to concentrate more completely on prayer by closing the eyes, then it is preferential to do this. If he can concentrate more effectively when he closes his eyes as there are things that could distract him from prayer like adornments or decorations, then it’s not really makrooh, and the belief that it is mustahabb to shut his eyes is more in line with the principles and goals of sharee’ah, rather than saying it’s makrooh. (Zaad al-Ma’aad, 1/283).