Daftar Isi
we can learn if the class is not noisy.my friends and i know very well that we must not be noisy. #terjemahkan
kita mampu mencar ilmu kalau kelasnya tak berisik. Teman-sobat aku & aku tahu betul bahwa kita tak boleh berisik
We can learn if the class is not noisy. my friends and I know very well that we must not be noisy
maksudnya? …………
Apa arrti we can learn if the class is not noisy
Kita mampu mencar ilmu bila kelas tak berisik
we can learn if the class is not noisy.my friends and i know very well that we must not be noisy.
Kita dapat berguru bila kelas tak ramai. temanku & gue tahu sangat baik itu harus tak ramai/ gaduh.
cara bacanya (we can learn if the class is not noisy)
kita bisa berguru jika kelas tak berisik