The Fiqh of “Bismillah” and “Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem”

There are many hadith that demonstrate the value of these words ” Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem”.

Ibn Abbass (radi Allahu Anhu) said: ” Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem is a verse of the Quran and a lot of people do not know about this.” ( The Faadaw’il Quran by Al-Qasim AlHarwee( 224H)

Ibn Juraj said: Sulayman ibn Dawud never composed any more than “” Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem ” in his letters. Allah says, “Verily! This is the work of Sulaiman (Solomon) and indeed! It (reads): In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. (An-Naml 30). Faadaw’il Quran by Al-Qasim Al-Harwee ( 224H) page 217-218

There are some issues with the use of Tasmeeyah as well as Basmallah.

1. The differences between the two and how to define the two.

There is a distinction from Tasmeeyah (Bismillah) in comparison to Basmallah. It is the case that Basmallah refers to saying ” Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem”and Tasmeeyah is to refer to Allah by saying ” Bismillah”

There is a distinction in the use of these terms. The Basmallah is legal to be used on two times.

  1. The start of the Recitation of the Quran
  2. The introduction to books, letters or any other correspondences
Baca Juga:  Salinlah dan Terjemahkan Beberapa Ayat Alquran yang Menggambarkan Siksa Neraka

When someone writes notes or letters, they begin the letter with ” Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem”. There are only two locations that allow you to use the word Basamallah.

The Tasmeeyah however can be said or mentioned at any time. For instance Imam Al-Bukhari said the following in the Sahih , ” The chapter is for Tasmeeyah is always applicable to every occurrence. In the following, he mentioned the Hadeeth

أما إنَّ أحدَكم إذا أتى أهلَه ، وقال : بسمِ اللهِ ، اللهمَّ جَنِّبْنا الشيطانَ وجَنِّبِ الشيطانَ ما رزَقْتَنا ، فرُزِقا ولَدًا لم يَضُرَّه الشيطانُ

If one of you, after having a sexual encounter with his wife is able to say”In the name Allah. O Allah! Save Us from Satan and protect the things you give us [i.e. the offspring that will come of Shaytaan and if it’s likely that they’ll have one child then Shaytan is not in a position to harm his child.” (AL-Bukhari 140 and Muslim3606)

Furthermore, there are additional Ahadith that prove ” Tasmeeyah is legislated to be recited at any time. The Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa salam) said:

If it is late at night or evening approaches, you should make sure your children are not allowed to go out, as the devils appear during that time. However, once an hour has gone by, let them go and shut the doors. make Allah’s Name known. Verily the devil will not let a door open. Secure the water-skin’s mouth and refer to Allah’s Name. Cover your containers and utensils and use Allah’s Name. You can even cover them by placing things on top of it. Then, extinguish your lamps. “ (Al-Bukhari 3304 and Muslim 5368)

Baca Juga:  √ Bacaan Dzikir setelah Shalat Magrib dan Shalat Fardhu Lainnya

It’s legal to use Bimillah anytime. But adding Ar-Rahman Ar Raheem isn’t legal, except in two instances. Based on this, we can recognize the error that most Muslims make when they say, “Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem, in instances in which there is no other way to say Bismillah is to be spoken. When eating or drinking, a person must say ” Bismillah” This is an interpretation of the hadith:”

“Say Bismillah, eat with your right hand and consume the food in front of you.”

(Al-Bukhari 5376 and Muslim 5388)

He didn’t say, “Say The Basmallah and say ” Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem. This is a common mistake people make. From the an explanation of the Sunnah by Al-Muzani by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Al-Husni

2. The Quran , “ Bismillah should only be spoken in the first chapter of each chapter other than chapter 9 which is At-Taubah.

If a person is beginning to read or read the Quran it is recommended that he seek refuge in Shaytan. When he’s planning to begin reading at the beginning of a chapter , he must add ” Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem” following the chapter. 

If he is reading in to the mid-point of verse, or towards the end, or even the 3rd or 2nd verse , then he must declare , I seek refuge with Allah from the evil devil. This is an interpretation of the verse.

When you wish to say the Qur’an take refuge in Allah and stay away from Shaitan (Satan) who is the one who has been cast out (the unlucky one). (An-Nahl 98)(At-Tibyan fee Adab Hamlatil Quran by An-Nawwai page 80-81)

Baca Juga:  Alquran Diturunkan Selama Berapa Tahun? Pengertian & Fungsi Al-Qur’an

3. The Power/strength from (bismillah) – By Sh Abdur Rahman As-Sa’dee

The Basmallah is an a compound noun that is joined to Allah therefore all His names are covered. When a slave says it the slave is asking Allah’s assistance in every one of His names in his needs. When it’s said at beginning of the reading of the Quran it provides aid to the Muslim to grasp the meanings behind Allah’s words and be guided by the words. (Tayseerul Latif)

In conclusion In conclusion, from this article we can see these key elements:

  • There is a distinction between Bismillah ” as well as ” Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim”
  • Bismillah Ir-Rahman-Ir-Rahim has been mentioned in two instances.
  • The ability to say Ar-Rahman-Ar-Rahim in the Bismillah in the course of drinking or eating is an innovative idea.
  • Bismillah can be recited at any time
  • Bismillah Ir-Rahman ir Rahman is said at the start of each Surah and the phrase “seek refuge” is said at the time of you begin to say the Quran.


The Quran

The At-Tibyan Fee Adab Hamlatil Quran by An-Nawwai 676H, checked and edited by Muhammad Al-Hajar , printed by Dar Ibn Hazm 3rd edition 1994

Faadaw’il Quran by Al-Qasim Al-Harwee( 224H) Edited and checked Marwan Al-Attiayh, printed by Dar Ibn Kathir 2nd edition, 1999

Sahih Al-Bukhari

Sahih Muslim

Sharhus Sunnah Az-Muzani by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Husni (may Allah preserve him)