Quotes Terima Kasih Bahasa Inggris

bahasa inggrisnya quotes ?

jawabnnya mengutip atu dikutip

quotes ihwal lingkungan bahasa inggris

take care of cleanliness early on.if not we who take care then who else?
jagalah kebersihan sejak dini.jikalau bukan kita yg mempertahankan kemudian siapa lagi?

quotes inggris terima kasih untuk tak berpura-pura

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: Quotes

Here are some example of quotes in relation to such matter:
– You may think it’s a sweet white lie, but it’s still more hurtful than a bitter truth.
– Pretension may appear to be good, but honesty brings you to be the real good.
– Honesty may not save the pain but it carries more gain.

quotes pendek dlm bahasa inggris?

let it flow………….

quotes dlm bahasa inggris?

Never be ashamed of who you are

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