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kata kata mutiara dlm film the fault in our stars
“Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.”
“I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”
yang udah baca / nonton the fault in our stars mau nanya dong apa orientation, complication, crisis, resolution, & re orientation dr novel the fault in our stars?
minta bantuannya, terimakasih
i read the book before and its pretty epic but the thing is i couldn’t really write everything bcs then that wouldn’t be your pure grades. So im just gonna give you a key of what to write in each of the paragraph.
Orientation :
All about the basic of the book like awards apa yg bukunya pernah dapet, siapa yg nulis, sedikit biografi ihwal orang yg nulis dkk. (which is John Green) pokoknya hal-hal yg pokok & menurutmu paling menonjol pas sebelum km baca bukunya.
Complication n crisis :
Nah bab ini, bab dimana we began to explain the character and the whole story itself gitu beserta berbagai macam konflik yg terjadi dr pertama sampe final.
contohnya : It all started when a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster who has thyroid cancer that spreads to her lung making her to suffocate and wears her iconic look with a cylindrical oxygen tank and a long nasal cannulas that wraps around her ear and perch in her nose. After a few meetings to the hospital, her doctor suggest her (well more like persuade her) to join a support group. Eventually, she started to join her local cancer support group and is destined to meet Augustus Waters…
Resolusi ini is all about your opinion (banyak sekali pendapatmu) tentang bukunya gitu like berdasarkan ananda ceritanya gimana, apa ada bagian yg kurang ananda senangi, bagian mana yg paling ananda senangi. Positif & negatif buku itu dll.
This part is basically the ending of your report and at this part jadi kisah yg udh ananda kasih tau di complication n crisis km rangkum lagi menjadi lebih dikit sekaligus menutup bukunya.
Hope that helps m8
Apa bahasa indonesia dr The Fault in our stars?
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the fault in our stars quotes & artinya
“You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world…but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”= ananda tak bisa menentukan jikalau ananda akan terluka di dunia ini…tetapi ananda dapat menyampaikan beberapa kalimat pada orang yg menyakitimu, aku suka pilihan saya.
Yang udah baca / nonton the fault in our stars mau nanya dong apa orientation, complication, crisis, resolution, & re orientation dr novel the fault
in our stars?
minta bantuannya, terimakasih
orientasi : pengenalan hidup hazel grace,yg mrupakan pengidap penyakit paru2 kronis kemudian dokter menyarankan untuk mengikuti sebuah program untuk para pengidap penyakit kronis.di sana ia berjumpa augustus.
complikasi : tulis tentang agustus yg pula punya pnyakit parah.
crisis : hazel sekarat tetapi setelah beberapa hari ia ahirnya sadar & agustus yg sekarat
resolusi : mrka mencoba menikmati sisa waktu bareng karna sadar waktu mereka tak usang lagi.
re-o : agustus meninggal dll