Kata Kata Liburan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Sampai 4 Paragraf

kata kata liburan dlm bahasa inggris hingga 4 paragraf

yesterday I went to Jakarta

Libur kan bahasa Inggrisnya holiday.

Apakah ada kata lain selain holiday?

yg ku tau cuma ‘weekend’

kata kata bahasa Inggris perihal piknik ke gunung (Jangan terlalu panjang yaa)​


A Weekend on Mount Sikunir

Last week I decided to do vacation to Dieng Plateau. One of the interesting thing to was hiking to Mount Sikunir and enjoyed the golden sunrise. I didn’t much effort to reach the peak. The hike to the Dieng Plateau sunrise viewpoint at the top of Sikunir takes 30-45 minutes. The temperature was driving me crazy.

The view was amazing. A bit cloud but still clear enough to see the twinkling lights of villages down below and silhoutte volcanoes. The scenery was more than magnificent. I feel like floating in the sky.

When I went down, I could see a beauty of Cebong Lake and the vegetable plantation. This trip was a memorable experience and really fantastic.

Karangan cerita liburan dgn bahasa Inggris dlm 400 kata


A Tour to Bajul Mati Beach during the School Holiday

A week ago my parents planned to have a vacation on the beach during my sister and I’s school holiday.

The time was still at 5 am, but my family and I were ready to go to Bajul Mati beach. We left early this morning because the distance from the house to the beach was about three hours drive. My sister and I were prohibited from bringing mobile phones by our parents because they wanted us to enjoy the trip and the holiday itself. So we were playing games in a car by guessing names of the first letter.

Two hours had passed. We began to climb the hills. My sister and I began to look awfully at the scene. We were fascinated by the beautiful rice fields below. Unfortunately I could only enjoy the scene for a while, because after that I was feeling dizzy and sick due to a winding road, up and down. My mother gave me eucalyptus oil. The aroma could actually reduce the nausea that I experienced.

Finally we arrived at Bajul Mati Beach. This beach was located in Malang Regency, East Java. We immediately headed to a small gazebo at the beach. While enjoying the sea breeze, we ate the meal that we brought first.

I could not stop looking at the beauty of this beach. Bajul Mati Beach was not very famous, so there were not many visitors who came here, so that the beach was still very clean which made our family comfortable.

My sister and I could not wait to play, so we immediately ran towards the beach. We did not heard the words of the mother who told us to wear sunblock first. It felt fresh when the sea water hit our feet.

On the beach I found a long wooden branch. Finally I grabbed and dragged it along the way. After walking for a while we reached the estuary, the meeting place of river water and seawater. We stopped and looked back, a long line in the wooden sand I dragged from here. Somehow my sister and I feel the line is very cool. Next we decided to swim first at the estuary because the water was calm unlike the water at the sea.

We swam about 15 minutes, before our parents called us. We all played water. Father asked us to sit cross-legged back to the sea. When the waves came we were dragged to shore. It felt very exciting because we did not see when the waves come while mother just played water on the beach and took pictures using her camera.

After being content to play water, my father asked us to write in the sand. The writing we made at the time was “Happy Family”. When I saw the portrait of the mother on her camera, it was very good.

It was not yet 12 noon already, but the sun was very hot. Our parents asked us to clean ourselves. After cleaning, we prayed dhuhur in the mosque near where we took a bath. The event continued with enjoying the warm meatballs at the stall on the beach. It was nice eating and looking at the beauty of the beach at the same time.

On the way home my brother and I fell asleep. When we woke up, all of a sudden we were at home. It was a really fun holiday.


Tur ke Pantai Bajul Mati dikala Liburan Sekolah

Seminggu yg kemudian orang tua saya berencana untuk berlibur di pantai selama piknik sekolah adik & aku.

Waktu masih memperlihatkan jam 5 pagi, namun keluarga aku & aku sudah siap untuk pergi ke pantai Bajul Mati. Kami berangkat sepagi ini karena jarak dr rumah ke pantai sekitar tiga jam perjalanan. Adikku & gue tidak boleh menenteng ponsel oleh orang bau tanah kita alasannya adalah mereka ingin kita menikmati perjalanan & liburan itu sendiri. Makara kami bermain permainan di kendaraan beroda empat dgn menebak nama abjad pertama.

Dua jam sudah berlalu. Kami mulai mendaki bukit. Adik saya & aku mulai tampaksungguh di daerah kejadian. Kami kepincut dgn pemandangan sawah yg indah di bawah. Sayangnya saya cuma mampu menikmati pemandangan untuk beberapa waktu, sebab sehabis itu saya merasa pusing & sakit karena jalan yg berkelok-kelok, naik & turun. Ibu aku memberi aku minyak kayu putih. Aromanya mampu meminimalkan rasa mual yg saya alami.

Akhirnya kami hingga di Pantai Bajul Mati. Pantai ini berada di Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Kami eksklusif menuju ke suatu gazebo kecil di pantai. Sambil menikmati angin sepoi-sepoi, kami makan masakan yg kami bawa dahulu.

Saya tak bisa berhenti melihat keindahan pantai ini. Pantai Bajul Mati tak begitu populer, jadi tak banyak pengunjung yg tiba ke sini, sehingga pantainya masih sungguh higienis yg membuat keluarga kami nyaman.

Adik & saya tak tabah untuk bermain, jadi kami langsung berlari menuju pantai. Kami tak mendengar kata-kata ibu yg menyuruh kami memakai tabir surya terlebih dahulu. Rasanya

dongeng liburan cerita piknik bahasa inggris acuan cerita liburan

sebutkan 20 kata ketika piknik dlm bahasa inggris


Beach : pantai

Mountain : gunung

Forest : hutan

Cruise Ship : kapal pesiar

Plane : pesawat

Train : kereta api

Hot air balloon : balon udara

Packing : pengepakan

Explore : menjelajah

Relax : bersantai

Exciting : menggembirakan

Hiking : mendaki

Diving : menyelam

Taking photos : mengambil foto

Swimming : berenang

Sun bathing : berjemur

Camping : berkemah

Backpack : ransel

Sleeping bag : kantung tidur

Camp fire : api unggun

Camera : kamera

Map : peta

Tent : tenda

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