Jawab Dengan Benar Bahasa Inggris

jawab dgn benar bahasa Inggris

1.I want to buy a fish at the market for 3 and it costs $3, and I also buy an onion of 87 seeds and a har that costs 10$whatever dollars I have to live for?​


the price is 13 dollars because you buy 3 dollars of fish and buy an onion for 10 dollars when it adds up to 13 dollars

Kuis [+50]:

I have sixty dollars in my pocket to be given to three street beggars with the same amount. How much money will each street beggar have?

Kuis [+50]:


Diketahui : Saya Punya Uang 60 Dolar Dan ada 3 Orang Pengemis.

Ditanya : Jumlah Uang Yang diberikan Setiap Pengemis ?

Jawab :

= 60 Dolar ÷ 3 Pengemis

= 20 Dolar / Pengemis

Kuis [+50]: 

I have sixty dollars in my pocket to be given to three street beggars with the same amount. How much money will each street beggar have?” title=”Kuis [+50]: 

I have sixty dollars in my pocket to be given to three street beggars with the same amount. How much money will each street beggar have?”/>
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Jawaban 11. it costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth__________


11. it costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth filled.


Jawaban dicetak tebal & kalimat pada tanggapan di atas menggunakan bentuk Causative Have:

(+) Subject + Have/Has/Had + Something + Verb-3

Semoga menolong ya.

Nita : wow! Your blouse is so….. It
Mila: Oh. No. It only costs sixty to
c. cheerful
a. beautiful
b. Colorful​


a. beautiful


Semoga menolong

I bought a new CD. It ….. thirty dollars.

A. cost C. costing

B. costs D. was costing




Karena terjadi di periode lampau. Penunjuknya adalah kata “bought”. Makara, pakai was.

Mungkin seperti itu 🙂

Baca Juga:  Pantun Sindiran: Kawan bukan Kawan