Astro Boy (Astro Boy) In the dazzling realm of manga and anime, where robots roam and heroes soar, there’s a bright star who shines brighter than them all. Astro Boy, with his jet-fueled boots and a heart of gold, has captured imaginations for decades. Let’s delve into the world of this incredible creation! Birth of a Hero Astro … Baca Selengkapnya..

Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone) IPhone Wallpaper Ever wake up with the urge to rebuild civilization? If the answer’s a resounding “YES,” then it’s high time you decked out your iPhone with a dose of scientific genius! Buckle up, because we’re diving into the electrifying world of Senku Ishigami wallpapers, the perfect way to channel your inner science whiz and ignite … Baca Selengkapnya..

Himura Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin) IPhone Wallpaper: Protect Your Phone With The Battling Hitokiri Tired of the same old boring phone background? Do you crave a touch of anime swagger that reflects your inner warrior spirit? Then sheath your worries and unleash the power of Kenshin Himura, the legendary Hitokiri Battōsai, straight onto your iPhone! Wallpaper Worthy of a Battōsai Imagine this: you reach for your phone, and … Baca Selengkapnya..