Buatlah Sebuah Quote Bahasa Indonesia ?​

buatlah sebuah quote bahasa Indonesia ?​


Memang baik menjadi orang penting, tetapi jauh lebih penting menjadi orang baik. -Hoegeng

bikinin quote tema the power of youth minimal 2 paragraf pake inggris ya


The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm and courage of the young people.

The future of the world belongs to the youth of the world, and it is from the youth and not from the old that the fire of life will warm and enlighten the world. It is your privilege to breathe the breath of life into the dry bones of many around you.


Jadikan yg TERBAIK hehehe 🙂

Yok yg pinter buat Quote mari bantu saiaaa (°°)~

Lagi ada kontes Quote nih di sekolahku

Quotenya bahasa Indonesia ya

Ngasal aku report

Yok yg pinter buat Quote mari bantu saiaaa (°°)~

Lagi ada kontes Quote nih di sekolahku

Quotenya bahasa Indonesia ya

Ngasal aku report” title=”Yok yg pinter buat Quote mari bantu saiaaa (°°)~

Lagi ada kontes Quote nih di sekolahku

Quotenya bahasa Indonesia ya

Ngasal saya report”/>
<div class=

opsi quote

1. jangan cuma memiliki mimpi besar, tetapi milikilah pula komitmen & berkerja keraslah untuk mendapatkannya.

2. jangan berserah pada kondisi tapi bangkitlah dgn iktikad

3. orang dgn cinta nrimo mungkin mampu & mudah menerima pengganti tetapi jikalau cintanya itu benar-benar sangat pada yg sebelumnya pasti ia tak akan terburu-buru & akan menikmati kesendirian nya

4. orang besar lengan berkuasa itu, orang yg punya prinsip

Find or make one quote that represents the song lyrics of “Count on Me”!​


1. Friends are people who accept you as you are. People who are always willing to accept your complaints when there are problems and so on.

2. A true friend is someone who is always there with you, always helping you in a sad or happy situation.

compare your quote and the quote in the caption​


dream : action has reaction

romance : if you can’t have him, make sure he’s happybwith her:”))

if you need more you can ask me on the comment:))

hope it usefull,, fighting:D

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