Daftar Isi
Buatlah teladan kalimat dgn menggunakan is,am,are,was,had,were,have,dan has
the women are busy
your principal is kind
am i wrong to say like that
she was at home last night
we were busy last night
we have already seen that movie
she has been to bali many times
i felt better after i had taken the medicine
Jika Menggunakan Subjek He Apa yg mesti saya gunakan ?
1. Should / Would
2. Has / Had
3. Was / Were
Kalimat yg di gunakan: Subjek + Sing at the Karaoke.
he would sing at the karaoke.
Penggunaan have/had/has/was/were
i have finished my task
she has made cake
i was sleeping when you come
we were at school yesterday afternoon.
silahkan komen klw masih mau nanya
Buatkan kalimat dgn memakai kata kerja bantu minum
Cth:he was drinking coffee
– Did Erlangga drink his orange juice?
– Ahmed has been drinking 6 cans of soda untill now
– I have drank your beer. I am sorry
– Muhammad had drank the chocolate milk before Erlangga arrived
Heyy there fella! I am an English Literature student at Binus University. Well due to my status as a student, learning has been always a pleasure for myself. It would be great if you can tell me how are my answers going, if there is couple of mistakes please let me know. I also apologise if i’m not helping enough as well as if i give you wrong answers. And again we both are student we gotta learn from our mistakes we made right? Thank you and cheerio xx
Heyy kawan! Saya mahasiswa Sastra Inggris di Universitas Binus (Bina Nusantara). Berhubungan dgn status saya selaku pelajar, pembelajaran senantiasa menjadi hal bagi saya. Alangkah baik nya jika ananda mampu memberi tahu mengenai tanggapan yg saya buat, apabila ada beberapa kesalahan tolong beri tahu saya. Saya mohon maaf apabila saya kurang membantu & pula menunjukkan balasan yg salah (kekeliruan). Sekali lagi kita ialah seorang pelajar yg harus belajar dr kesalahan bukan? Termakasih xx
jelaskan penggunaan have & has ?
dan was, were ?
has/have: selaku tobe dlm present perfect tense. tenses itu digunakan untuk menyatakan acara yg telah akhir. have: i, you, we, the. has: she he it.
was were: selaku tobe dlm tenses past. tenses itu digunaan untu menyataan hal atau kegiatan yg terjadi pada waktu lampau was: i, she, she, it. were: you, we, they