All Dio Quotes In English

All Dio quotes in english

-Evil antagonist from the anime called Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure chapt 3



All Dio quotes in english

-Evil antagonist from the anime called Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure chapt 3

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Dio quotes :

  • I Don’t Let Anyone Swagger Over Me!
  • Go Out There And Take This Useless World For All You Can Get.
  • The More Carefully You Scheme, The More Unexpected Events Come Along.
  • Oh? You’re Approaching Me?

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When Dio stops time with his stand The World he uses the phrases sometimes he puts them together for example which means The World!



Morning Quiz (English) [+50]

Who is Kartini?

(No Copy Paste, describe Kartini in your own language.)


Who is Kartini?

Raden Atjeng Kartini was one of the Heroines in Indonesia. She was born On April 21st 1879 in Jepara. She wrote a book titled “Habis gelap terbitlah Terang”. In Indonesia, we commemorate Hari Kartini on April 21st every year as a tribute to her struggle against colonialist.


Jawaban dicetak tebal & merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) khususnya perihal salah satu Pahlawan Wanita Indonesia, yakni Raden Atjeng Kartini yg namanya diabadikan dlm salah satu lagu Nasional yg berjudul Ibu kita Kartini.

Siapakah Kartini?

Raden Atjeng Kartini yakni salah satu Pahlawan di Indonesia. Ia lahir pada 21 April 1879 di Jepara. Ia menulis buku berjudul “Habis gelap terbitlah Terang”. Di Indonesia, kita memperingati Hari Kartini pada tanggal 21 April setiap tahun selaku penghargaan atas perjuangannya melawan penjajah.

Semoga menolong ya.

Make some quotes about
Explain your quotes to your
Compare your quotes and the
quote in the caption.​


contohnya nya kalo ada soalnya ga ngerti!!

inspirational quotes about studying english

Study SMART not Study HARD

make some quotes nature and compare your quotes and the quote in the caption


Quotes about nature adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Nature always wears the colors of the spirit
  • Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine
  • Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature
  • The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain
  • Come forth into the light of things. Let nature be your teacher.
  • Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow
  • What would be ugly in a garden constitutes beauty on a mountain
  • We do not inherit the earth from our ancestor, we borrow it from our children
  • Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more

Nah, sementara itu untuk soal yg kedua (compare your quotes and quote in the caption) abang tak dapat membantu alasannya keterbatasan soal. Tidak ada informasi ‘quote in the caption’ yg dimaksud.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yg berhubungan wacana caption:


Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas XII

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Writing caption text

Kata kunci : Nature quote

Kode: 12.5.3

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