Alex : How Do You Feel About This Food? Bram : It Is Very Tasty. I’m Completely Satisfied. Alex : Me Too. The Underlined Expression Expresses ….

Alex : how do you feel about this food? bram : it is very tasty. i’m completely satisfied. alex : me too. the underlined expression expresses ….


Jawaban untuk soal ini yaitu “a. asking satisfaction”.

Soal menanyakan maksud dr lisan di atas.

Kalimatnya adalah “How do you feel about this food?” (Bagaimana pendapatmu ihwal makanan ini?). Kalimat ini memberikan verbal meminta pertimbangan yg menyatakan kepuasan (satisfaction).

Kaprikornus, jawabannya yaitu “a. asking satisfaction”.

Alex : How do you feel about this food? Bram : It is very tasty. I’m completely satisfied. Alex : Me too. How do you feel about this food expresses …. *
a. Giving dissatisfaction
b. Showing sympathy
c. Asking satisfaction
d. Asking Agreement
e. Giving Opinion​


Baca Juga:  Pengertian Akhlak, Menurut Para Ahli dan Macamnya

C, Asking satisfaction.


Di dlm text:

Alex : How do you feel about this food?

Bram : It is very tasty.  I’m completely satisfied.

Alex : Me too.

How do you feel about this food expresses

Makara jawabannya dalah aksing satisfaction alasannya menanyakan, banyak orang salah menjawab e (giving opinion)

Kalau di pilihannya asking for opinion gres benar, namun dipilihan itu giving opinion jadi salah.

yang ditanyakan itu How do you feel about this food expresses Jadi itu adalah pertanyaan.

Alex : How do you feel about this food? Bram : It is very tasty. I’m completely satisfied. Alex : Me too. How do you feel about this food expresses .... * <br />
<div class=

a. Giving dissatisfaction
b. Showing sympathy
c. Asking satisfaction
d. Asking Agreement
e. Giving Opinion​” title=”Alex : How do you feel about this food? Bram : It is very tasty. I’m completely satisfied. Alex : Me too. How do you feel about this food expresses …. *
a. Giving dissatisfaction
b. Showing sympathy
c. Asking satisfaction
d. Asking Agreement
e. Giving Opinion​”/>

Alex: how do you feel about this food? Bram: it is vary tasty. I’m completely satisfied.



Alex: how do you feel about this food? Bram: it is vary tasty. I’m completely satisfied.

Alex: bagaimana perasaanmu ihwal masakan ini?

Bram: Rasanya bermacam-macam lezat. Saya sungguh puas.




Alex How do you feel about this food
Brandon it is very tasty, I’m complecely
Alex: Me too
The underlined expression expresses​


Im completely statisfied

semoga membantu

Alex : How do you feel about this omelet? Bram : It is very tasty. I like this food. Alex : I agree with you. From the dialogue we know that ​


Baca Juga:  Kisi-kisi Pkn+50 Poin

the omelet are very tasty
