5. Creat A Quote Caption About Health Issue! (Buatlah Sebuah Caption Quote Tentang Masalah Kesehatan!)​

5. Creat a quote caption about health issue! (Buatlah suatu caption quote perihal masalah kesehatan!)​

“It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps the mind in vigor.”

“Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water”

“What is called genius is the abundance of life and health.”

compare your quote and the quote in the caption​


dream : action has reaction

romance : if you can’t have him, make sure he’s happybwith her:”))

if you need more you can ask me on the comment:))

hope it usefull,, fighting:D

Jelaskan pemahaman & pola dr jenis jenis caption (group,identification,summary,expanded,quote


Caption (quote)
Mohon Dijawab​

Caption (quote)<br />

Mohon Dijawab​” title=”Caption (quote)<br />Mohon Dijawab​”/> </p>
<p>kalau ingin bebas/berhasil maka naiklah setinggi mungkin</p>
<h2><span class=Compare you quotes and the quote ini the caption

quote itu artinya puisi (kalau gak salah)

puisi/ quote:

Like wildflowers

you must allow yourself

to grow

In all the place

people thought

you never would

mohon maaf sekali kalau salah

agar membantu 🙂

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